Thursday, July 28, 2016

A letter to my Future Self

Write a letter to your future professional self from your current perspective. What’s important to you now that you want yourself to remember?

Dear Me,

     Although these teaching classes seemed dumb and a waste of money, they helped you connect to teachers and understand their role in the classroom and how to work with them when you wanted to run groups and guidance lessons.
     Each year, try to go to an ASCA conference, they are always so much fun and have a ton of resources to use with students. They also will help you keep up to date with the school counseling world and what your role should be in the school.
     If you haven't already, go and start your second license in Mental health, it is something you always wanted to do and it will make you so happy. You really enjoyed Practicum and did amazing.
     Work hard and stay humble. Be okay with silence, sometimes the students need an extra minute to think. Don't stress, you always get everything done, even if it seems impossible. This is the job you always wanted to do, so don't get run down. Go to the gym instead to run off steam.

Sincerely, Your younger you

Consider the future

Consider your future. Where do you hope to be? For each of the time periods, ask yourself about your professional goals and your personal goals.

One year from today:
  • Professionally: I hope to be getting ready for my first full year as a school counselor in orange or Seminole county.
  • Personally: I think I will be starting to plan for my wedding, I want a long engagement so I think this time of the year would be perfect.

Five years from today:
  • Professionally: I will start working on my second license towards my mental health career. 
  • Personally: Maybe I will be considering having kids and moving into a new house.  

Ten years from today
  • Professionally: I will have a private practice on the side, while still working in the schools as a school counselor.
  • Personally: I will be done having kids and my family will be traveling together.

At the end of your career: I will have been both a school counselor and a mental health counselor and hopefully I have written a few articles or journals and maybe even been published.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Think back through your elementary and secondary schooling experiences. Recall a teacher who was known as being a successful classroom disciplinarian.

Reflect on why and how that teacher was successful.
What strategies did they implement?
What was your relationship with that teacher like?
How did the teacher respond to misbehavior?

One of my favorite teachers was also one that commanded a classroom. I believe she was one of my middle school language arts teachers. She was younger than most of my other teachers, but she connected with the students and I remember always feeling like she was listening. I remember being called out for dozing off or talking multiple times, but then when it came to needing someone to talk to she was there as well. From what I remember about the classroom experience was that we sat in groups and worked with those groups, she would pull people aside while we would work, if she needed to discuss something, and she always layered poor news with good news.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Understanding Yourself: Culture and Classroom Management

1. High or low context culture?
  • I do believe I can count on using my own knowledge and reading cues in a situation in order to get the message.
2. Monochronic or polychromic?
  • I prefer a buzz of things happening at the same time, I am more polychromic.
3. Past, present, or future?
  • I believe I value the present and the future, those in my life seem to view things the same.
4. What's the nature of time?
  • Tine is limited, we should not waste it.
5. What are the power distances where you live?
  • I believe there is a big power difference between those who have it and those who desire it.
6. Individualism or collectivism?
  • I respect and value loyalty to a team.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Classroom Assesment Technique


In grad school we used interviews to get a greater understanding of the field we will soon be working in. I think there is a lot of information we can learn from books, but there is nothing like hearing real life experiences from someone already in the field. I do not know much about using interviews as assessment tools, but I think it would be beneficial to use in the classroom as long as there is a designated list of questions the students must get answered.

One of the research articles I found mentioned that interviews can "provide an important simultaneous opportunity to explore what the students have learned, from the interview itself as well as from their ongoing real-time and real-life negotiations."

A fun way to incorporate interviews into the classroom could be to have students interview older grades about what is going on in their class, as a way for them to ask about experiences and what to expect in the following years.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Traffic Lights of Planning

What has stopped you in your tracks when you think of planning?

Right now, this class is my last teaching class and the last "teaching" lesson plan I have to create. When I have to sit down to finish it, I begin to think of all the other things I have to do for my actual counseling courses and clients. So maybe it is procrastination, but if it was a lesson plan having to do with small groups or guidance lessons, I think I would feel more inclined and excited to finish it.

How have you begun to move ahead in planning or what is assisting with your growth?

The book and resources I have found on the internet are really helpful in the planning of my lesson. I have also created lesson plans in the past and use to teach, so that also helps me as well.

Do you feel comfortable planning- explain?

I feel very comfortable planning, I believe I have all the resources around me to succeed, as well as the background knowledge. I also think I like my topic I want to create so I do not see it being to hard to create my lesson plan.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Connect, Extend, Challenge

In the "Connect":
I think technology is more useful than I thought. I can see how it is important to stay relevant with the times to keep students engaged.
In the "Extend":
There is not much that really made me rethink my prior knowledge besides the fact that I learned how SMART goals can be related to goals and objectives for teaching.

In the "Challenge":
I thought reading about the theories was interesting, especially the developmental, those are very similar to the theories in counseling. I do find challenges in connecting all the various medias. Also, from previous experience and after reading the ESOL module, and taking the TSL class I can see how working with ELL students can be difficult and time consuming, it is important to make sure they have all the help they need.